Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dallas Family Christmas

The weekend before Christmas we went to Dallas to see all my cousins and their families.  I hadn't seen most of them since Hailey's 1st Christmas!!!!  Way too long.  We loaded up and headed north to my cousin's house.  As soon as we got there Hannah started screaming  and did not stop for right at an hour straight.  I don't recall if I've shared this or not but one of the many reasons why I'm so far behind on posting is because we had a rough first couple of months.  Hannah would not go to sleep without putting up the biggest fight.  She would scream like someone broke her arm.  I was about the only one that could calm her down and it still took me a while to do so.  She had to be bounced a certain way and you could not sit down with her, had to keep moving.  Well this night was reminiscent of that.  Needless to say, it was a hectic evening.  She finally crashed out but I was on pins and needles hoping she wouldn't wake up screaming again.  Despite that little hiccup, we had a great time.  It was so good to see everyone and all the kids.  All of my cousins have kiddos ranging from a teenager, (just one right now but very close to more) to Hannah who was a few months old.  I didn't get any pictures from there!!!  Thankfully there are pictures, I just don't have access to them at the present moment. 

From there we went to my brother and sister-in-laws house to stay the rest of weekend. As always we had a great time.  We opened presents and had our Christmas then but I can't seem to find those pictures either...I know I took some... that makes me sad.  Oh well, here are a few to tied you over.

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