Monday, October 4, 2010

Big girl bed!

The Monday night after the baby shower we had an incident.  I put Hailey to bed in her crib.  I had no problem leaving her in her crib for quite some time.  Her crib turns into a toddler bed then the front and back can be used as a headboard and footboard.  I also have no problem letting her "cry it out" for a little while before I'll go back in her room. 

Well, Monday night (a while ago) I put her to bed and shut her door.  She started crying which she sometimes does but generally stops after a few minutes and falls to sleep.  My mom was still in town from the baby shower so her and I were watching TV in the living room, something that apparently Stephen did not want to watch because he was in our room watching TV.  Next thing I know, Stephen is walking into the living room carrying Hailey.  She FELL out of her bed and was standing by  her door crying!!!  She was very upset and just keep saying that the door was shut and she couldn't get out.  It was so sad.  What happened was that she was throwing a temper tantrum in which she threw her "nini" aka binki out of her bed.  Well she decided she wanted it back and was leaning over the crib trying to reach for it on the ground when she fell out on her head!!!  At least that's the story she told us and it makes perfect sense.  Bless her little heart though.  She didn't care one bit about falling on her noggin however she was very distraught about the door being closed.  She talked about the door being closed for at least a week after it happened. 

So the next night and a month before the arrival of her sister, we converted her bed to a "big girl bed".  She has done great!!!  I was so worried about a major change on the cusp of the baby coming but it worked out quite well especially since I was enormous pregnant and it made it much easier to put her to bed at night. 

Below are some pictures of her first night in her big girl bed. 

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