Saturday, March 27, 2010 March

So I am just now getting to posting Christmas pictures.  How sad is that?!?  In my defense, for those of you that don't know, Hailey is going to be a big sister!!!  We found at around mid-January.  The first trimester was tough.  Ten times worse than the first go around.  I was sick and exhausted.  I barely did laundry must less blog.  So here I am at 15 weeks, ready to catch up and there is plenty to catch up on.  I'll start with Christmas.

This year was a first on so many levels.  When Stephen and I got married, we decided we would split holidays between home and Dallas, one year we'd go to Dallas say for Thanksgiving then we'd start home for Christmas to spend with Stephen's family.  This year was that sequence.  Stephen's mom had a much needed back surgery two days before Christmas!!!  Needless to say, she was still in the hospital pn Christmas.  Well my sister-in-law and her two boys were in town for the holidays so they spend the night with us on Christmas Eve.  It was Hailey's second Christmas and the first year that she enjoyed it.  It was nice to wake up Christmas morning at home.  After we opened Santa gifts, I cooked my first Christmas dinner!  We all opened presents then ate way too much food and then headed to the hospital to visit.  

Here are a few pics for presents... 

This is when she 1st woke up

She got an Elmo backpack from her Aunt Dani that was full of construction paper, crayons and all sorts of goodies.  It almost knocked her down when she put it on.  Santa brought her a tricycle.  Unfortunately she still, in March, can't reach the petals.  This year, we'll have to talk to Santa about that.

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