Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Spiders

The other night we were listening to the Beatles with the girls.  We had talked about them before to Hailey.  I guess she remembered them but this is what she said, "Mommy, are we listening to the Spiders".  Ha!!!  It took me a second to figure out what she was talking about.  Too cute!! 


Stephen and Hailey have a garden in our backyard.  It's their thing.  Not that I don't love the fruits of their labor but I have enough living things to take care of as is.  Plus, I don't know when to harvest or plant or prune or whatever else it is you are suppose to do with gardens.  My old roommate and I tried once and we let everything grow until they were as big as possible.  Have you ever tried okra that was the size of a cucumber?  I don't recommend it.   You might as well eat tree bark.  Anyways, every day those two would go out and inspect and see where everything stood.  Hailey would get so excited to cut and bring in the vegetables, (too bad she wouldn't eat of them)!  I decided to snap some pics of their tomatoes, which by the way were some of the best tomatoes I've ever tasted! 

And the out takes...

Family Funnies

Hailey and Stephen would always play around on the floor.  I mean that's what Daddy's are for, right?  A jungle gym.  Well Hailey started saying she was cold and would lay on Stephen's stomach and stick her feet under his shirt like it was a blanket.  She did it several times and I just happen to catch this one.  Snuggled under Daddy's shirt, laying down with her baby doll.  Love it!

And these are just for good measure...cause I think they're cute.


Easter Egg Hunt

I just love our neighborhood.  They do so many get togethers.  It's great.  Every year they have an Easter egg hunt across the street from our house at the park.  So we loaded up the fam and off we went.

This will be the last time I wear Hannah with this carrier.  She's just a tad too big for it.  Notice Hailey ready to go with her basket!
At the girls school they had a bunny come and the kids could sit in his lap and take pictures.  Well Hailey wanted no part of that!  At the park they had a pianta bunny that we thought would be cute to get a picture with...only she wanted no part of that bunny either.  This is as close as we could get her.  Not sure that I blame her though.  He is kinda scray looking.



We went to our friend's Nick and Megan's to celebrate Nick's birthday.  They have a little girl that is exactly 3 months younger than Hannah so it works out great.  They have all the gear you could ever need. 

Hannah's 1st driving experience

Hailey and Riley

Livia and Hannah

Such little cuties!!!


Ice Cream Man!!!

Hailey had her 1st experience with the ice cream man.  We were outside watering the yard when the ever so familiar jingle started getting louder.  Since one of my husband's many loves includes ice cream, he thought it was time to share the joy with Hailey.  She was so excited she could hardly contain herself. 

It got even better once she realized they have Dora ice cream!!!!

Until she tried it...
So Daddy gave her his ice cream and she was kind enough to share. 


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Big girl hair cut

Hailey's hair was getting a little scraggley in the back.  Probably because we had never cut it!!  I cut her bangs right after her 1st birthday then that Fall I took her to have the bangs trimmed again but that's the last time and we never touched the back.  So I decided to bite the bullet and take her.  We went to a kids place by the house.  Man, they are good.  They had more tricks to get the kids to look the direction needed than I would have ever though.  Hailey sat in my lap and watched Dora the Explorer.  When it was time for the back to get trimmed and she wouldn't look down, the hair stylist gave her a fabric bag with a bunch of army type people and told her to find the baby.  Well guess what she had to do to look for the baby...look down.  Then since she was in my lap they wanted to make sure it was straight when she stood up, they gave her a bag of bows to pick from and held it at eye level so she would look straight ahead.  All and all it worked out much better than I had anticipated. 

Here's the before picture.  Look at how blond the ends are!!!
 Happy customer, thanks to the sucker!


Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Say cheeeeeeeese!! 


Monday, April 18, 2011

Visit from the Roth's

The Roth's were finally able to come down for a visit the middle of March.  This is the same family we went to the coast with last spring.  They hadn't had a chance to meet sweet Hannah yet.   We always have such a good time together.  They came up late on Friday.  We didn't have any plans other than spending time together.   During the day on Saturday the Daddy's got out of the house for a little while to go do whatever it was they did, (don't even remember.  I think to the shooting range).  Hailey loves Toy Story 3 and calls it the Baby Toy Story because of the large scary baby with no clothes. 

This is a picture of Hailey and Wyatt watching the movie.  Notice Wyatt's devilish look...

 Just as he's about to pounce on my sweet innocent little girl!! 

Not really. The reason I took these is we were sitting outside and came to check on the kids. Well Hailey was at one end of the couch like she is in the picture and Wyatt was sitting at the opposite side facing her. Next thing we know, they start trading off KISSES to each other!!! And not just kissing, they were full on laying on top of each other going from one side of the couch to the other cracking up.  I didn't think I was going to have to worry about this for a long time!!!!!  Gotta keep my eye on that Wyatt. 

Later in the day Megan and Livia came to play too.

Then we made and decorated some cookies.

 Notice little brother, Weston, looking on.  I got blue and pink icing for the kids to use, oh and sprinkles.  Gotta have spinkles. 

 Didn't really think the blue icing alll the way through!! 
Winding down after a busy day!!! 

As always, we had so much fun.  I love spending time with Kate and her family.  I miss her so much!!!  Love you Kate!!! 


6 month pictures

Friday, April 15, 2011

Me, a girly girl?

I have never been a girly girl.  In fact as far back as kindergarten, my mother had a hard time getting me to wear dresses.  When my niece was born almost 12 years ago, OMG 12 years, I told my mother that she must be so excited to finally get the little girl she's always wanted. As I've gotten older I've accepted and enjoyed becoming a little more feminine however I would still never use the word girly.  I just knew that it would be my fate to have girls, check, and have girly girls at that, check.  When I was pregnant with Hailey my girlfriends would buy uber girly stuff for her, frilly, lacy, and pink.  I told them to stop because I would not put her in it!  I never bought anything pink.  The girls rooms are green and purple.  I could go on and on but I think you get the idea.  Of course Hailey is all girl.  She LOVES pink and purple.  She loves dresses and tutu's.  I don't know what the reason is but I'm starting to enjoy all of it too!!  So when my mom came to visit at the end of February she brought Hannah the biggest most obnoxious hat or so I originally thought.  Until I put it on her!!!  I love it!!!  g


You don't need quite that much!

As I mentioned in a previous post, we started potty training Hailey this year.  In the beginning it would take her forever to actually do anything once she was on the potty.   So we'd leave her in the bathroom with a stack of books and come check on her periodically. 

Yeah, well this is what I walked into...

She was trying to shove all of that in the toilet!!!!  I happen to know an amazing plumber, just in case she succeeds in the future.
Her face is absolutely priceless!


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pizza night

Hailey is a big fan of pizza, ok so am I.  She also loves to help me in the kitchen.  She drags over a stool, (one of the ones that blacked her eye) and hangs out while I do whatever it may be that I'm doing: cooking, dishes, etc.  I thought it would be fun to make our own pizzas one Friday night.  So I got all the fixin's and away we went. 

**Note: if you ask Hailey to smile for a picture...this is what you get** 

Notice the pile of olives in the center of her pizza.  This girl loves black olives!!!



Hailey said she wanted to hold Hannah again.  Well, Hannah's a little big to be held by her sister so we just propped her up on the couch. 

Hammin' it up for the camera!!!  Please disregard how dirty they are...all kids look like this by the end of the day...right?
Kickin' it on the couch together!! 

Valentine's Day loot

5 month pictures

I guess I didn't want to admit that Hannah was getting so big so fast.  The onsie she's wearing...yeah, it's a 3 month onsie and comes up to her elbows!!!  Sorry sweet girl!

Little Mommy

Hailey has been such a good little Mommy.  She gets her baby dolls and covers them up and pats them on the back.  She can even be found walking around the house bouncing and shhh'ing her baby dolls.  It's too cute. 
Here she's burping her baby.

It snowed in Austin!!! 2.4.11

 It actually snowed in Austin.  It was crazy.  I grew up in Dallas and it only snowed a handful of times while I lived there but I can only count one hand how many times in close to 15 years that it's snowed in Central Texas.  Of course this happened the same week that Stephen was out of town all week for training AND both girls and I had croup!!!  Good times, let me just tell ya.  Thank God my mother-in-law was able to come help.  Hannah still wasn't sleeping through the night so I wasn't able to get to rest so I could get over the funk.  Hannah had to do breathing treatments!  It was just no fun but we made it through it.  The day it snowed was a Friday which worked out great cause I got a three day weekend.  We never had to leave the house.

 Once I laid Hannah down for her morning nap, I asked Hailey if she wanted to go see the snow.  She was all excited.  We bundled up and out to the back yard we went.  Well, once we got out there...she was less than impressed.  She just stood there and stared.  She wanted nothing to do with the snow.  After, oh maybe a minute or two, she asked if we could go back inside.  It made me a little sad since who knows when the next time this will happen again in Austin but oh well. 
This picture was taken earlier that week on I think the only day the girls went to school. 
Hannah getting a breathing treatment.  Doesn't this just break your heart!!!  I know a lot of people who own nebulizers because their kids need breathing treatments all the time but this was a 1st for us AND Daddy was out of town.  Thankfully, Hailey has never had to use one before.